About:The St. Benilde Exceptional Learners Program believes all learners can achieve to their potential through personalized education and layered support. Each child in the Exceptional Learners Program receives an individualized plan called a STEP which outlines their individual needs, accommodations, and goals. The instruction is designed based on the goals and needs outlined in the STEP. The program currently provides services to students in Pre K3 - 7th grade.
Our Mission: Our Catholic School is committed to providing an educational foundation, which focuses on spiritual, academic, physical and social development, so that our students will grow to know, love and serve God, family and community.
Philosophy: Since starting our program in 2016, the exceptional learners program has focused on providing individualized instruction to meet learners at their level and close gaps in their learning by using systematic direct instruction, data, and computer based programs, as support.
Our Educational Style: In the exceptional learner program we specialize in individualized education and data based instruction through blended learning.
Why the Exceptional Learners Program?
The Exceptional learners programs provides students with a supportive environment in which they can grow academically and gain confidence.
Who we are and what we do: We work to establish an enriching educational environment that meets the individual learning needs of our students through specialized curriculums. We work with students with a variety of abilities and needs who have been identified as have a learning disability, AD(H)D, Autism Spectrum Disorder, mild/ moderate intellectual disorders and giftedness.
Tier 2 Literacy Lab: Established in 2014, the literacy lab provides intensive intervention services in reading to students in Kindergarten through 7th Grade. The goal is to identify and address delays in reading through early interventions. Students participating in interventions provided by the Literacy Lab are identified through the MAP and benchmark testing.
Tier 2 Math Lab: In 2020, we are establishing a math lab to provide intensive instruction to students in Kindergarten through 7th grade. The goal is to identify and address delays in math through early intervention. Students will be identified through Aimsweb and benchmark testing.
Tier 3 ELP ELA: Established in 2016, the Exceptional Learners ELA program provides students with identified learning and developmental disabilities with an intensive systematic instruction in reading and writing through modified curriculums. All students receiving services through the exceptional learners program must have a current (completed in the last 3 years) psychoeducational evaluation showing they meet the criteria of a child with a disability (1508 or medical)
Tier 3 ELP Math: Established in 2016, the Exceptional Learners Math program provides students with identified learning and developmental disabilities with an intensive systematic instruction in mathematics through modified curriculums. All students receiving services through the exceptional learners program must have a current (completed in the last 3 years) psychoeducational evaluation showing they meet the criteria of a child with a disability (1508 or medical).
Tier 4: Established in 2017, the Exceptional Learners Tier 4 program provides students with identified mild/moderate to severe disabilities with academic instruction and support through classroom curriculums and behavior interventions. All students receiving services through the exceptional learners program must have a current (completed in the last 3 years) psychoeducational evaluation showing they meet the criteria of a child with a disability (1508 or medical).